Thursday, 3 September 2020

Your Sales Process Is BROKEN! Let's Fix It

Today\'s guest is Jake Dunlap! Jake is a sales leader and entrepreneur with more than a decade of experience, he has developed and led high-performing sales and operational functions, specializing in building out repeatable, sustainable processes. In today\'s episode, we discuss how many companies and sales teams are working with a broken sales process, especially given today\'s issues of not being able to go and visit as many clients as we once were able to do. Jake was able to provide actionable information around the importance of training your outside sales team on inside sales tools and tactics. The operational objectives are still the same, but the tools necessary to be successful have changed. With all of the tools available to your sales team, Jake focuses in on LinkedIn Navigator and as the two that he would gladly pay for himself as a salesperson because the ROI would be so high from that investment. He also discussed how the sales process should be changed to

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Top 12+ Ways to Use Work from Home Time to Practice Peak Performance

With a number of major companies recently announcing plans to keep employees remote until the middle of next year, at least, many of us are facing continued isolation and experiencing an extended lack of connectedness. For most, it is important to spend time around and engaged with other people, in social groups and at work. By surrounding ourselves with colleagues, family members and associates who challenge us to think and move outside our comfort zone, we find we can improve our habits, learn new things and stay sharp. Of course, much of life’s biggest joys and most lasting memories stem from our relationships, in large part at work, and in times like these, those can become absent, strained and even strange. And, while some say too much “people time” might also be a bad thing, few of us are feeling that right now. In fact, our digital devices often give us the sense we need to be connected 24/7. All of the noise, activity, constant contact and hustle can wear us out and, iro

http://Top 12+ Ways to Use Work from Home Time to Practice Peak Performance/

Friday, 31 July 2020

Unlocking Complexities of the Microbiome in the War on Viruses – Dr Sabine Hazan Md

“Finding non-toxigenic Clostridium difficile (C.diff) in the gut flora of all 119 subjects tested by genetic sequencing raises the question whether C.diff is an innocent bystander or villain and if antibiotics should be used to kill something that is part of our microbial fingerprint,” says Progenabiome CEO Sabine Hazan, MD, “this breakthrough in research challenges us to look beyond the traditional protocols to treat bacteria and viruses automatically with drugs. It also forces us to understand the balance of the microbiome that allows for immunity to occur.” Hazan has been a solo practice gastroenterologist and clinical trials investigator for 25+ years. She has participated in over 150 clinical trials for the pharmaceutical and nutrition industries and launched Progenabiome in 2018 to investigate the role of the gut microbiome in various diseases and conditions. Strategically placed as a genetic sequencing lab, site, CRO, and now sponsor, Progenabiome has 39 ongoing clini

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Top 9+ Ways to Engage in Hepatitis Awareness Day (and Four Things You Should Know)

Today is designated as World Hepatitis Awareness Day. Agencies and offices around the globe, within national governments, alongside state, provincial and local partners, all are working to raise awareness of the importance of vaccination for hepatitis B, testing for hepatitis B and C, the availability of effective care and curative treatment, and the serious health consequences resulting from undiagnosed and untreated viral hepatitis. The day affords all an important opportunity to raise more widespread awareness of viral hepatitis and its impact on the world’s population and expand healthcare’s coordinated efforts to improve the health of the estimated time 290 million people living with viral hepatitis unawares. Without finding the undiagnosed and linking them to care, millions will continue to suffer, and lives will be lost. On World Hepatitis Day, 28 July, people from across the world will take action and raise awareness to “find the missing millions” – this year’s t

Friday, 24 July 2020

Top 10 Ideas for Building Your Best Talent Brand

Everybody understands the importance of company branding, but when you are recruiting for a position, it is essential you pay attention to your ‘Talent Brand’. We understand that Talent Branding plays a major part in how companies and their future are perceived and shaped in today’s market. Organizations like Glassdoor and others are helping to define the brand of many companies in the market today, but why would you want someone else making these important, even crucial, decisions for you and your company? What is Talent Branding? This “new” idea of Talent Branding has been kicked around for years. Some say it’s the overall look and feel of the company (including on-line); others say it’s the internal pulse on whether people like or dislike the organization, and some even say it’s complete nonsense. As defined by LinkedIn, “Talent branding is the highly social, totally public version of an employer brand that incorporates talent thinks, feels, and shares about yo

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Top 6+ Tips for Building Your Best Hiring and Interview Team

Remember that YOU, the hiring manager, are ultimately responsible for all the actions taken when making a hire. This includes the actions of recruiters, support staff and interview helpers. “Why recruiters,” you ask? Your Recruiting Team Should Amp the Brand You have a responsibility to work with your recruiting partners by providing them with the specifics of what you are looking for, the feedback on information submitted and building a partnership to ensure success in finding your next A Player. Take time upfront to develop the ideal candidate summary, then take time to screen resumes together. If you do this at the beginning of a relationship, less will be required in the future to have the results you want. Choose your recruiting partners carefully. Remember they are an extension of your brand (the company’s and yours personally). A good recruiter is able to tell a story around a company that is compelling and easy to understand. This is how they are able to attract good

Perpetuating Positive Momentum on the Continuum of Inertia

“When it rains, it pours.” Most are familiar with this phrase. It’s what we use to describe the inertia of negative circumstances building and snowballing. Can you think of the equivalent phrase used to describe the opposite? The experience of positive inertia? “Just look at the bright side”… “turn lemons into lemonade”… “there’s a light at the end of the tunnel!” These might come to mind, but each simply builds on turning a negative into a positive. What about turning a positive into even more positives? Why is there no maxim for positive inertia made more commonplace? If momentum can swing us one way or the other on the pendulum of professional success, how can we keep the continuum of inertia positioned in a positive direction?

Friday, 3 July 2020

CERCA TALENT+ Is Wishing Everyone a Happy and Safe Fourth of July

As the Unites States pauses to reflect on its history, the ideals birthed at its inception, and the strength it projects around the world today, we want to take this time to reflect on the great strength we admire in the companies and candidates we work with and celebrate the upcoming success you will build in the remainder of this and all the years to follow. We are thankful to be a part of that. So many of the ideals that went into forming our Great Nation and keep it strong are those we can all aspire to in our work. All of these and more will help continue to shape our success and make us ever stronger. And Bravery – to Persist Relentlessly – is one of the greatest. For us all, it could be said we will become and remain the premier organizations in our respective spaces as long as we are teams of the brave, devotedly doing more and going further to serve more deeply than those around us. As we celebrate our Nation’s birthday, let us celebrate and then decide, together, to e

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Top 7+ Signs You About to Make a Hiring Mistake | Genomics Recruiter

Hiring a new employee is a time-consuming and expensive process that can make human resource and hiring managers feel pressured to cut corners just to get through it. While the frustration is understandable, simply checking the box is a poor approach. A bad hire ends up costing a company in numerous ways, including lost productivity, lost wages, lost revenue, damage to reputation, and having to go through the hiring process again when that employee quits or gets fired. Here are a few common signs you are about to make hiring mistakes: Going with Your Gut There is a lot of talk about how people should trust their gut and go with their first impression. That might work in other areas of life, but it is rarely a good idea when it comes to hiring an employee. Whether a hiring manager personally likes a job candidate has no bearing on that individual having the right qualifications for the job or fitting into company culture. In the Genomics, Genetics, BioTech and Diagnostics Industries w

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

You’ve Been Downsized From Your Genomics or Genetics Diagnostics Company? Now what?

Oh my! You have just learned that your job has been eliminated or you’ve been demoted from your current role. This is all too common in the current crisis. What do you do? First of all, try not to panic. Downsizing does happen… but not to me, you say? First thing to do is take some deep breaths and move past the denial stage. Try to relax and put together an action plan. Just like anything else in life, you need to start taking steps to better your situation and get what you want. There are a few “housekeeping” items you have to take care of straight away. Collect Your Final Paycheck Make sure that you know when you will receive your last paycheck, and how it will be delivered to you. Some states require employers pay it immediately; others may allow a short time lag. Make sure you get everything that is due to you. Entitlements could include monies for overtime, back pay, accrued vacation, or sick leave. Talk to the appropriate person in your HR department to learn what y

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Top 6 Surefire Ways to Hire the Wrong Genetics or Genomics Salesperson - CERCA Talent Home

1. Taking Too Long to Make the Hire A search for the best candidate in the marketplace should include a sense of urgency. This is especially the case when the market for top talent is a candidate’s market and a candidate has the choice of several top job openings. Here’s a scenario: A prime candidate is interviewing with four different companies, including yours. All four companies are interested in that candidate. Now, ask yourself who has more options: the candidate or your company? The answer is obvious. Therefore, it’s imperative that once an A-level applicant has been presented, the hiring process should move along briskly. A sensible timeframe is between two and four weeks. If the process takes any longer the risk of losing that top person to another company rises dramatically. Please read full article -->

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

The TOP Reason New Hires Fail

According to the results of a study published in Forbes Magazine, 46 percent of new employees in professional positions quit or are fired from their job within the first 18 months. That statistic is alarming enough on its own, especially in this crisis. What is even more surprising is the reason for the failure. It would be natural to assume the high rate of new hire failure would be due to a lack of professional skills. However, that was only the case 11 percent of the time. The rest did not make the cut due to their attitude. Perhaps even more disheartening, only 19 percent of those who remain in their position are expected to be truly successful at it. Read full article

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Top 6 Things Your Future Self Wants You To Start Doing… TODAY!

Life comes at you so fast sometimes it’s hard to contemplate the future. This recent pandemic we are all trying to emerge stronger from is a striking example of the premise. Now, more than ever, “If you don’t plan to succeed, you plan to fail.” You can’t afford to just drift through life. Your future self may someday look back at how you lived during this time and wonder, “What the heck were you thinking?” Be intentional about crafting a better life, today and tomorrow. Here are six things your future self wants you to starting doing today. read full article ---->>>

Top 10 Ways to Invest Your Genomics and Diagnostics Recruiting Budget

We will soon be emerging from lockdown, and while there may be a few more available candidates for your open roles, there is no getting around the fact you must effectively manage your money to recruit the highest-quality job applicants. Your organization can save considerable cash on recruitment costs by engaging in creative, outside-the-box thinking. We offer these 10 best practices below for finding the candidates your company desires without breaking your recruitment budget. Read full article here -->>

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Phone Training Is Needed For Your Genetics Sales Team Post COVID-19 Many clients have asked what we are seeing from other companies with regard to post COVID-19 sales expectations and how they are preparing for whatever is to be the new normal for those teams. The simple answer is that it is far fetched to think that your sales team will be welcomed back to the hospital with open arms anytime in the near future. As of right now, unless you are installing, interfacing, validating or fixing instrumentation related to COVID-19 testing, you’re probably not entering the hospitals as a representative. We have seen that customers are looking at new ways of training their sales team, and phone sales training and video training are going to be very important to the foreseeable future. If we can help you in any way, either by connecting you to the right people that can help you train or by adding a contract phone sales team to your commercial strategy, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at info@cercatalent

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

8 Reasons Leaders in Genomics and Genetics Need Mentors

We just happen to be writing this to you on Top Gun Day. The Navy’s elite pilot training program, officially named the “Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor” program, or SFTI (pronounced ‘siff-tee’), is not an actual school, but rather a graduate level, practical application course loaded with classroom and real-world training and tactics development. It was called Top Gun long before the movie came out in 1986, yet today, you’ll have to give your instructor or squadron mate a “fiver” if you ever refer to it as such. During their 12 weeks at TOPGUN, pilots learn to “think outside the 9 dots”, operate on the edge of the envelope, “fly below the deck”, or to be a real Maverick, using alternative fighter maneuverability and countermeasure tactics, time management and preparation. It is the ultimate dojo. It was the first Center of Excellence before the term even existed. Above all else, its graduates learn how to take what they have mastered there and share i

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Five Ways To Attract A+ Talent to Your Team

No need to panic; we all have had to fine tune this process, and have even stunk at it in the past. How can we make sure we learn the lessons and begin attracting, recruiting and retaining those A+ Players? 1. Define what an A-B-C player looks like within your organization and communicate throughout the ENTIRE organization. State what having the right players on your team means to the success of your organization, and what the wrong players mean to your detriment. Think in terms of $$$ and overall morale. Make it a part of your dialogue, both internally and externally. It must become a part of your culture, who you are and march your vision. Determine who is responsible for the process. How it will be implemented and communicated throughout the ENTIRE organization. Also, develop a training protocol for success. Define expected outcomes, and make sure they match your mission. Discuss expectations with everyone on the team and what attributes or skills are critical to measur

Thursday, 30 April 2020

7 Reasons Executive Search is Essential to Your Next Hire

Fortunately, trusting an executive search firm with the recruitment can help you avoid costly mistakes in the future. If you have not worked with such a company in the past, here are seven compelling reasons why you should start today: Additional knowledge and resources: Recruiters often maintain large networks of people they are working to place in high-level jobs. This is a source you would not necessarily have access to when going about the hiring process in the usual manner. They are also adept at cold calling and getting passive candidates more interested in the position your company has to offer. Confidentiality: This is particularly important when your company is recruiting specific candidates from another organization. Not only could you face legal troubles for approaching the employee of a competitor, it could damage your company’s reputation as well. Executive search firms also bring objectivity to the table. Your contact can tell you what a competitive industry s

Thursday, 16 April 2020

These are the industries that are hiring for professional roles now

We spoke to recruiting experts, and these are the types of jobs and industries that are still seeking qualified applicants during a pandemic. By Stephanie Vozza If you’re looking for a gig to help pay the bills, grocery stores and delivery companies need help—and fast. But if you’re looking for something permanent or want to take the next step in your career, you may be able to find a professional role, too, says Michelle Armer, chief people officer at the job site CareerBuilder. “There is definitely still a demand for professional and management workers across many different industries,” she says. The catch is that you’ve got to act fast. As unemployment rates continue rise, more job seekers are scouring the market. We spoke to recruiting experts, and these are the types of jobs and industries that are still seeking qualified applicants during the pandemic:

Friday, 10 April 2020

Inspirational Life Quotes

Don\'t Just Don\'t just learn, experience. Don\'t just read, absorb. Don\'t just change, transform. Don\'t just relate, advocate. Don\'t just promise, prove. Don\'t just criticize, encourage. Don\'t just think, ponder. Don\'t just take, give. Don\'t just see, feel. Don’t just dream, do. Don\'t just hear, listen. Don\'t just talk, act. Don\'t just tell, show. Don\'t just exist, live.” ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

5+ Essentials to Effectively Promoting Your Brand in Crisis

This is not a time to sit still and wait until ‘everything is normal again.’ This is a time to use your isolation to intently think long and deep about who you are as a professional, what your company REALLY does, and what the world should know about your brand – either professional or corporate. Get clear, and get ready to make sure your voice, your talents, your value and your message are heard, not silenced ….revealed, not suppressed…made visible, not extinguished…during and long after this temporary cloistering. Without self promotion, something terrible happens – nothing. Being the best kept secret in the world is nothing to be proud of, unless you are in special ops or other covert line of work….If your breakout strategy depends on waiting to be discovered and rewarded based on merit alone, bring a lunch and several good reads – you will be waiting a long while. You have just this one life to live, and without mastering the fine art of self promotion, it is

Friday, 3 April 2020

7 Ways to Use This Time to Craft Simplicity Into Your Life

1. Begin by creating a flow chart of your daily activity, and then aim each act toward simpler work with greater results. 2. Look for simple solutions, simple pleasures and simple ways to accomplish maximum results with minimal effort. 3. Stop multitasking. Study after study has proven it never works…for anyone, even those that claim they are great at it. 4. Examine your work for the Rube Golbergs that are sapping your energy. 5. Then, ask yourself things like: a. How can I simplify my sales effort? b. How can I help simplify marketing? c. How can I maximize follow up efforts? d. How can I simplify our returns process? e. How can I simplify the In-service of clients? f. How can I simplify the buyers’ journey? g. How can I simplify our billing efforts? h. How can I simplify gaining referrals? 6. Then, do the same thing in your personal life. 7. Focus on simplicity in everything, every day.

Thursday, 26 March 2020

12 Ways Your Career Can Benefit From Solitude in This COVID Crisis

For most, it is important to spend time around and engaged with other people. In social groups and at work, by surrounding ourselves with colleagues, family members and associates who challenge us to think and move outside our comfort zone, we find we can improve our habits and learn new things. Of course, much of life’s biggest joys and most lasting memories stem from our relationships, and in times like these, those can become absent, strained or even strange. And some say too much “people time” might also be a bad thing. Our digital devices often make us feel like we need to be connected 24/7. All of the noise, activity, constant contact and hustle can wear us out and, ironically, can leave some feeling lonelier than ever. If our electronics are all we have right now to get our work done and stay in touch, truly disconnecting during this isolation may become even more important. While we may not all be enjoying the global forced cloistering we find ourselves in today, let us

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

6 Characteristics of a Champion’s Mindset You Can Develop and Use Today

1. Unconquerable – you will not allow yourself to be beaten, vanquished or overcome. You will pursue every goal with the belief and unquenchable conviction they will be achieved, no matter the obstacles. You will have victory. 2. Invulnerable – remain immune to mental attack. Train your mind to be mentally impregnable. Self doubt and negativity are non-existent in someone who has an indomitable spirit. 3. Self-confident – you have a healthy belief in your abilities. You respect yourself and others. You have a rock-solid personal constitution. You project a calm, focused, no-nonsense attitude when it comes to setting goals and getting results. 4. Initiative – you are always proactive. You have the motivation and energy to endure. You make sacrifices. You know what must be done, and you take the appropriate action to ensure success without compromise. 5. Focus – you must center yourself and design where you spend your efforts. Master negativ

Thursday, 19 March 2020

10+ Ideas to Overcome the Career Curveball COVID Has Thrown and Make the Most of Self Quarantine

The greatest key to make massive performance gains in disruptive times like these is to look for trouble then confront it, to overcome obstacles, to navigate new mental terrain, accommodating and adapting to change, and then eliminating or at least limiting any behavior that stands between you and goal achievement. Things like COVID represent a serious anti-success issue and yet give us time to improve areas of underperformance that warrant ruthless examination. Let’s get busy embracing this idea that what stands in the way, becomes the way. Obstacles come to instruct, not destruct. All great success in your life will come by facing vexing problems and overcoming them with a potent cocktail of creativity, focus, and courage. Challenges are the common threads woven through all great lives. They are present to teach us to get where we must go by carving a new path. As Benjamin Franklin wrote, “Things which hurt, instruct.” Consider what you could do differently, right now, t

Monday, 16 March 2020

Furnace Service Leduc AB - Edmonton Air Conditioning And Furnace Repair Leaders.

ith regular care, you’ll experience less downtime. This simple checklist will help you maintain the life of your furnace. Clean or replace your filter The filter in your furnace serves a crucial job in the process of delivering warm air throughout the rooms in your home. A furnace filter is usually installed where the return duct enters your furnace. It removes particulates from the air before it moves into the furnace equipment and is heated. A furnace filter will remove all kinds of particulates, including dust, dust mites, pollen, pet dander, bacteria, spores, and more. Inexpensive filters provide basic protection. They are designed to catch a high percentage of the particles that flow through your home. More expensive air filters offer improved air quality, which can help individuals who may suffer from allergies or asthma. If the airflow is impeded by a dirty air filter, the furnace will have inadequate airflow and won’t operate as efficiently as it was designed. In

Furnace Service Sherwood Park

Furnace Service Sherwood Park Living in Sherwood Park in the winter months, your home heating system is the largest energy expense. Did you know that on average, a furnace accounts for about 45 percent of the average Edmonton family’s energy bills? A great way to ensure your furnace is both running properly and operating as efficiently as possible is to schedule regular maintenance and periodic checkups. In Sherwood Park AB, most wait until a furnace problem exists. Yet in most cases, a problem arises after damage has already begun. To catch a problem early ensures that your equipment remains fully functional and operational, no matter if it sits for weeks without use, or is used 24 hours per day. With regular care, you’ll experience less downtime. This simple checklist will help you maintain the life of your furnace. Clean or replace your filter The filter in your furnace serves a crucial job in the process of delivering warm air throughout the rooms in your home. A

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

The Importance of Being Awesome and What It Really Means

Wake up and smell the reality around you. Remove the desire to be deceived. The news, whether you call it fake and despite which outlet you prefer, is slanted. It has some bit of truth, and a ton of opinion couched as fact, all designed to elicit emotion by using extremes. Mark Twain said, “You can kill the truth easily, but a well told lie will live forever.” This, in reality, all points to perspective and perception; and we have all heard, “Perception is reality.” Really, we all do perceive the world through our own eyes. In reality, we all see things a little differently. No matter your perception, reality could care less. Reality does not change. It does not adapt to our viewpoints. It is what it is. It is non-negotiable. That’s a fact. Reality is the truth. The acceptance of reality, in other words, is dealing with the truth, and that is a moral obligation, not an option. Unfortunately, the truth often becomes a piñata for those who refuse to accept it

Monday, 9 March 2020

9 Ways Being a Standout Will Benefit Your Career or Brand

tomize This post is devoted to standing out, to being different, and thinking outside the norm. It is to encourage everyone to occasionally be a round peg in a square hole. It is meant to celebrate the nonconformists, those others think a little “crazy “, the revolutionaries, the visionaries, the renegades, the mavericks….those who just see and do things differently. It is for those who always Take a Walk on the Wild Side and who wonder, “Why fit in when you were born to Standout?!” –Dr. Seuss. Today, challenge yourself and others to push the envelope, become inspired to test the limits, learn exactly what it takes to be different in the right ways, and empower each other to show the world that you were fearfully, wonderfully and uniquely built to make a BIG difference. Leap out in front Why is nonconformity and standing out from the crowd a good thing? Most of our lives, we are told to get in line, follow directions, and spend a great deal of time trying to fit in

Thursday, 20 February 2020

Should You Hire for Sales Skill or Technical Acumen?

The question plaguing many hiring managers — not just in the Clinical Research and the Genomics and Genetics Diagnostics spaces, but indeed in all businesses — is: “Should we hire a candidate with technical expertise and train them in becoming a great sales person; or, should we hire a candidate with a strong sales background and train them in technical and product knowledge? Making a hiring decision to address all the needs of your business takes forethought, patience and insight. You may find yourself asking whether you should focus more on sales or technical experience throughout the process, but the truth is, both are integral to success. In fact, research shows that sales experience is more important long term, while technical expertise is more important short term. Let’s go into more detail. Some say truly good sales people are harder to find than those with technical expertise, being that the ability to sell comes more naturally to those with certain innate traits t

Friday, 14 February 2020

Furnace Service Edmonton - Legacy Heating and Cooling

Furnace Service Edmonton call 780.733.1256 Living in Edmonton in the winter months, your home heating system is the largest energy expense. Did you know that on average, a furnace accounts for about 45 percent of the average Edmonton family’s energy bills? A great way to ensure your furnace is both running properly and operating as efficiently as possible is to schedule regular maintenance and periodic checkups. In Edmonton, most wait until a furnace problem exists. Yet in most cases, a problem arises after damage has already begun. To catch a problem early ensures that your equipment remains fully functional and operational, no matter if it sits for weeks without use, or is used 24 hours per day. With regular care, you’ll experience less downtime. This simple checklist will help you maintain the life of your furnace. Clean or replace your filter The filter in your furnace serves a crucial job in the process of delivering warm air throughout the rooms in your home. A

Monday, 10 February 2020

Molecular Instrument Sales

Clinical Diagnostics Sales / Molecular Capital Equipment Sales – Infectious Disease The Company: An industry leader in the business of Infectious Disease diagnostic instruments and reagents, this company is in search of its next President’s Club Award winning Sales Specialist in their Michigan territory. The Opportunity: This position is responsible for selling clinical capital equipment in the Large Hospitals and reference laboratories in the assigned territory. The primary responsibilities for this position will be to grow the already current base of existing customers while continuing to maintain the current customer base. The qualified candidate will be rewarded handsomely for their effort, as the total package will include a base and commission plan, company car allowance, computer, mobile telephone, paid vacation and access to a company 401k program.

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Recruiter News - How Relentless Grit Helps You Win

When most people think of Nike, they tend to think of super athletes who Just Do IT! Folks like Michael Jordan, Mia Hamm, LeBron, Federer, Sharapova; maybe a few fallen stars, like Lance Armstrong and Pistorius; those on the rise again, like Tiger; controversial ones like Kaepernick; and now, a lost star, who showed us an 81 point game and 30 points in one quarter (twice) could be real things. The world will miss Kobe. But when Nike employees picture someone, they still think of a scrappy, 5’9”, 139 lbs mustachioed runner named Steve Prefontaine, otherwise known in running circles as Pre. Prefontaine was the prized pupil of the company’s co-founder, Bill Bowerman, from his coaching days at the University of Oregon. His spirit is the cornerstone of the company. He competed in every race as a life or death experience, and was fond of saying, “Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it.” His philosophy and style were to run without limits, to test t

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

what is the microbiome - ProgenaBiome

ProgenaBiome™ A genetic research lab whose interest is to understand the clinical implications of the microbiome. Our broad array of specialties allows us to look beyond fecal transplant to examine other fields of medicine in which dysbiosis could be the culprit of disease. In collaboration with leading physicians in multiple specialties, spearheads the movement of validating, verifying, and clinically applying its sequencing data, to better understand the microbiome. We are taking the microbiome to the clinical level to better understand disease, so that it may be better treated and prevented. Call (800) 380-7764

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Dr Sabine Hazan - Can Our Microbiome Treat Mental Disease and Other Illnesses?

Dr. Hazan has done 150 clinical trials in the last 15 years. She explained that we have in our gut up to 100 trillion microbes and that there are more than 150,000 species of them—some well-known, others not so well-known. Dr. Hazan’s theory is that, just like Penicillin was discovered from the growth of mold, all gut bacteria, gut fungi, and viruses might have properties that have yet to be discovered. She is currently analyzing the gut microbiome of people with chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic constipation, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, recurrent urinary tract infections, psoriasis, Lyme’s disease, Alzheimers’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, autism, colorectal cancer, obesity, and several other conditions. In doing so, Dr. Hazan is discovering that patients with certain diseases have a very different gut microbiome than people without any disease. But first let’s take a look at what a microbiome looks like, from Dr. Hazan’s point of view:

Dr Sabine Hazan - ProgenaBiome

Dr. Hazan, Our Start! Born in Morocco, Dr. Sabine Hazan has always had a dedication to understanding life. She sought a career in medicine and was accepted to medical school based on outstanding research on obesity conducted as an undergraduate. She completed her residency at the University of Miami during the peak of the HIV epidemic, treating extremely ill patients at Jackson Memorial Hospital and in the local jail. Here she was awarded two prizes for her research. After residency Dr. Hazan became the first woman gastroenterology fellow at the University of Florida. Here she completed a year of research and presented her findings in poster format at the American College of Gastroenterology National Meeting. It was at that moment that she was approached by the esteemed Dr. Neil Stollman. He told her that the future of medicine lies in the microbiome. For her exceptional work with visceral hyperalgesia she was awarded the Dean’s Research Award. Dr Stollman is now an expert an

Thursday, 16 January 2020

Barrie homes for sale | Barrie Ontario Real Estate

Barrie homes for sale - Search the Barrie Ontario MLS at your convenience, find out what your home is worth in today\'s market, calculate mortgage payments and more! SELL WITH CONFIDENCE Whether it\'s getting a full scope of your Barrie home value in the current market or marketing your home effectively to generate the maximum level of interest - you need to make sure you\'ve got a professional by your side to ensure you get the highest return on your invesment. THE KEYS TO BUYING Why make a decision before understanding what you\'re getting yourself into? Why sign documents that you don\'t fully comprehend? When it comes to arguably the most important investment in your lifetime, you deserve all the answers. I\'m here to help.

Even Jeep Is Making Bold Claims about Its Electric Future

You knew it was coming: Jeep global president Christian Meunier says the company is all in for electric and hybrid versions of the classic SUVs, starting with the China-market Jeep Commander. As seen at the CES technology show earlier in January, Jeep\'s U.S. electrification will start with hybrid versions of the Renegade, Compass, and Wrangler under the 4xe name. By 2022, every Jeep in the lineup will have a hybrid or electric variant, he said. In the several months since Christian Meunier took over the reins of Jeep worldwide, the new global president of the Jeep brand has made it clear he\'s focusing less on interior features and luxuries, more on technology. Predictably, as goes the entire industry, so goes the off-roading icon. Christian recently told Car and Driver that his plans for the Jeep brand in the 2020s include an aggressive plan to launch plug-in-hybrid and, later, electric Jeeps throughout the coming decade. Jeep Commander PHEV (China) China-market Jeep Comm

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Corporate Accounts Manager - CERCA Talent

Corporate Accounts Manager The Company: An industry leader in the business of Diagnostic Instruments and Reagents, this company is in search of its next President’s Club Award winning Corporate Accounts Managers in the Twin Cities Area to cover IDN’s and other corporate accounts. Close proximity to an airport is important. The Opportunity: This position is responsible for selling capital and reagent contracts at the highest levels of the accounts managed. This individual will lead the strategic initiative for their respective accounts at the senior levels, but they will also help manage the ground initiatives as part of their overall responsibilities. The primary responsibilities for this position will be to grow the already STRONG BASE OF EXISTING CUSTOMERS while continuing to maintain the current customer base. The qualified candidate will be rewarded handsomely for their effort, as the total package will include a base and commission plan, company car, computer, mobile tele

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

7 Ways to Turn The Grind Into The Goal

Renowned coaches are often asked what the difference is between the best athletes and everyone else. In other words, “What do really successful people do that most people don’t?” Of course, there are the typical responses of genetics, luck, and talent. But there’s an added element most don’t think of…It is the will to be relentless and resilient in the Grind. It’s the ability to handle the boredom of training every day and doing the same lifts, drills and film review over and over again that separates the professionals from the amateurs. Think about it this way – it’s not that the best athletes have some insane, boundless passion or willpower others don’t; it can even be the exact opposite. They can feel the same boredom and lack of motivation everyone else experiences and aren’t immune to the sometimes tedious heft of the daily grind. What sets them apart is their commitment to the process. They fall in love with the daily practice, with the repetition, and