Thursday 19 March 2020

10+ Ideas to Overcome the Career Curveball COVID Has Thrown and Make the Most of Self Quarantine

The greatest key to make massive performance gains in disruptive times like these is to look for trouble then confront it, to overcome obstacles, to navigate new mental terrain, accommodating and adapting to change, and then eliminating or at least limiting any behavior that stands between you and goal achievement. Things like COVID represent a serious anti-success issue and yet give us time to improve areas of underperformance that warrant ruthless examination. Let’s get busy embracing this idea that what stands in the way, becomes the way. Obstacles come to instruct, not destruct. All great success in your life will come by facing vexing problems and overcoming them with a potent cocktail of creativity, focus, and courage. Challenges are the common threads woven through all great lives. They are present to teach us to get where we must go by carving a new path. As Benjamin Franklin wrote, “Things which hurt, instruct.” Consider what you could do differently, right now, t

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