Tuesday 23 June 2020

Top 7+ Signs You About to Make a Hiring Mistake | Genomics Recruiter

Hiring a new employee is a time-consuming and expensive process that can make human resource and hiring managers feel pressured to cut corners just to get through it. While the frustration is understandable, simply checking the box is a poor approach. A bad hire ends up costing a company in numerous ways, including lost productivity, lost wages, lost revenue, damage to reputation, and having to go through the hiring process again when that employee quits or gets fired. Here are a few common signs you are about to make hiring mistakes: Going with Your Gut There is a lot of talk about how people should trust their gut and go with their first impression. That might work in other areas of life, but it is rarely a good idea when it comes to hiring an employee. Whether a hiring manager personally likes a job candidate has no bearing on that individual having the right qualifications for the job or fitting into company culture. In the Genomics, Genetics, BioTech and Diagnostics Industries w


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