Saturday 16 May 2020

Phone Training Is Needed For Your Genetics Sales Team Post COVID-19 Many clients have asked what we are seeing from other companies with regard to post COVID-19 sales expectations and how they are preparing for whatever is to be the new normal for those teams. The simple answer is that it is far fetched to think that your sales team will be welcomed back to the hospital with open arms anytime in the near future. As of right now, unless you are installing, interfacing, validating or fixing instrumentation related to COVID-19 testing, you’re probably not entering the hospitals as a representative. We have seen that customers are looking at new ways of training their sales team, and phone sales training and video training are going to be very important to the foreseeable future. If we can help you in any way, either by connecting you to the right people that can help you train or by adding a contract phone sales team to your commercial strategy, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at info@cercatalent

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