Monday 9 March 2020

9 Ways Being a Standout Will Benefit Your Career or Brand

tomize This post is devoted to standing out, to being different, and thinking outside the norm. It is to encourage everyone to occasionally be a round peg in a square hole. It is meant to celebrate the nonconformists, those others think a little “crazy “, the revolutionaries, the visionaries, the renegades, the mavericks….those who just see and do things differently. It is for those who always Take a Walk on the Wild Side and who wonder, “Why fit in when you were born to Standout?!” –Dr. Seuss. Today, challenge yourself and others to push the envelope, become inspired to test the limits, learn exactly what it takes to be different in the right ways, and empower each other to show the world that you were fearfully, wonderfully and uniquely built to make a BIG difference. Leap out in front Why is nonconformity and standing out from the crowd a good thing? Most of our lives, we are told to get in line, follow directions, and spend a great deal of time trying to fit in

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