Saturday, 28 March 2020
Thursday, 26 March 2020
12 Ways Your Career Can Benefit From Solitude in This COVID Crisis

For most, it is important to spend time around and engaged with other people. In social groups and at work, by surrounding ourselves with colleagues, family members and associates who challenge us to think and move outside our comfort zone, we find we can improve our habits and learn new things. Of course, much of life’s biggest joys and most lasting memories stem from our relationships, and in times like these, those can become absent, strained or even strange. And some say too much “people time” might also be a bad thing. Our digital devices often make us feel like we need to be connected 24/7. All of the noise, activity, constant contact and hustle can wear us out and, ironically, can leave some feeling lonelier than ever. If our electronics are all we have right now to get our work done and stay in touch, truly disconnecting during this isolation may become even more important. While we may not all be enjoying the global forced cloistering we find ourselves in today, let us
Tuesday, 24 March 2020
6 Characteristics of a Champion’s Mindset You Can Develop and Use Today

1. Unconquerable – you will not allow yourself to be beaten, vanquished or overcome. You will pursue every goal with the belief and unquenchable conviction they will be achieved, no matter the obstacles. You will have victory. 2. Invulnerable – remain immune to mental attack. Train your mind to be mentally impregnable. Self doubt and negativity are non-existent in someone who has an indomitable spirit. 3. Self-confident – you have a healthy belief in your abilities. You respect yourself and others. You have a rock-solid personal constitution. You project a calm, focused, no-nonsense attitude when it comes to setting goals and getting results. 4. Initiative – you are always proactive. You have the motivation and energy to endure. You make sacrifices. You know what must be done, and you take the appropriate action to ensure success without compromise. 5. Focus – you must center yourself and design where you spend your efforts. Master negativ
Thursday, 19 March 2020
10+ Ideas to Overcome the Career Curveball COVID Has Thrown and Make the Most of Self Quarantine

The greatest key to make massive performance gains in disruptive times like these is to look for trouble then confront it, to overcome obstacles, to navigate new mental terrain, accommodating and adapting to change, and then eliminating or at least limiting any behavior that stands between you and goal achievement. Things like COVID represent a serious anti-success issue and yet give us time to improve areas of underperformance that warrant ruthless examination. Let’s get busy embracing this idea that what stands in the way, becomes the way. Obstacles come to instruct, not destruct. All great success in your life will come by facing vexing problems and overcoming them with a potent cocktail of creativity, focus, and courage. Challenges are the common threads woven through all great lives. They are present to teach us to get where we must go by carving a new path. As Benjamin Franklin wrote, “Things which hurt, instruct.” Consider what you could do differently, right now, t
Monday, 16 March 2020
Furnace Service Leduc AB - Edmonton Air Conditioning And Furnace Repair Leaders.

ith regular care, you’ll experience less downtime. This simple checklist will help you maintain the life of your furnace. Clean or replace your filter The filter in your furnace serves a crucial job in the process of delivering warm air throughout the rooms in your home. A furnace filter is usually installed where the return duct enters your furnace. It removes particulates from the air before it moves into the furnace equipment and is heated. A furnace filter will remove all kinds of particulates, including dust, dust mites, pollen, pet dander, bacteria, spores, and more. Inexpensive filters provide basic protection. They are designed to catch a high percentage of the particles that flow through your home. More expensive air filters offer improved air quality, which can help individuals who may suffer from allergies or asthma. If the airflow is impeded by a dirty air filter, the furnace will have inadequate airflow and won’t operate as efficiently as it was designed. In
Furnace Service Sherwood Park

Furnace Service Sherwood Park Living in Sherwood Park in the winter months, your home heating system is the largest energy expense. Did you know that on average, a furnace accounts for about 45 percent of the average Edmonton family’s energy bills? A great way to ensure your furnace is both running properly and operating as efficiently as possible is to schedule regular maintenance and periodic checkups. In Sherwood Park AB, most wait until a furnace problem exists. Yet in most cases, a problem arises after damage has already begun. To catch a problem early ensures that your equipment remains fully functional and operational, no matter if it sits for weeks without use, or is used 24 hours per day. With regular care, you’ll experience less downtime. This simple checklist will help you maintain the life of your furnace. Clean or replace your filter The filter in your furnace serves a crucial job in the process of delivering warm air throughout the rooms in your home. A
Tuesday, 10 March 2020
The Importance of Being Awesome and What It Really Means

Wake up and smell the reality around you. Remove the desire to be deceived. The news, whether you call it fake and despite which outlet you prefer, is slanted. It has some bit of truth, and a ton of opinion couched as fact, all designed to elicit emotion by using extremes. Mark Twain said, “You can kill the truth easily, but a well told lie will live forever.” This, in reality, all points to perspective and perception; and we have all heard, “Perception is reality.” Really, we all do perceive the world through our own eyes. In reality, we all see things a little differently. No matter your perception, reality could care less. Reality does not change. It does not adapt to our viewpoints. It is what it is. It is non-negotiable. That’s a fact. Reality is the truth. The acceptance of reality, in other words, is dealing with the truth, and that is a moral obligation, not an option. Unfortunately, the truth often becomes a piƱata for those who refuse to accept it
Monday, 9 March 2020
9 Ways Being a Standout Will Benefit Your Career or Brand

tomize This post is devoted to standing out, to being different, and thinking outside the norm. It is to encourage everyone to occasionally be a round peg in a square hole. It is meant to celebrate the nonconformists, those others think a little “crazy “, the revolutionaries, the visionaries, the renegades, the mavericks….those who just see and do things differently. It is for those who always Take a Walk on the Wild Side and who wonder, “Why fit in when you were born to Standout?!” –Dr. Seuss. Today, challenge yourself and others to push the envelope, become inspired to test the limits, learn exactly what it takes to be different in the right ways, and empower each other to show the world that you were fearfully, wonderfully and uniquely built to make a BIG difference. Leap out in front Why is nonconformity and standing out from the crowd a good thing? Most of our lives, we are told to get in line, follow directions, and spend a great deal of time trying to fit in
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