Thursday, 21 May 2020
Top 6 Things Your Future Self Wants You To Start Doing… TODAY!
Life comes at you so fast sometimes it’s hard to contemplate the future. This recent pandemic we are all trying to emerge stronger from is a striking example of the premise. Now, more than ever, “If you don’t plan to succeed, you plan to fail.” You can’t afford to just drift through life. Your future self may someday look back at how you lived during this time and wonder, “What the heck were you thinking?” Be intentional about crafting a better life, today and tomorrow. Here are six things your future self wants you to starting doing today. read full article ---->>>
Top 10 Ways to Invest Your Genomics and Diagnostics Recruiting Budget
We will soon be emerging from lockdown, and while there may be a few more available candidates for your open roles, there is no getting around the fact you must effectively manage your money to recruit the highest-quality job applicants. Your organization can save considerable cash on recruitment costs by engaging in creative, outside-the-box thinking. We offer these 10 best practices below for finding the candidates your company desires without breaking your recruitment budget. Read full article here -->>
Saturday, 16 May 2020
Phone Training Is Needed For Your Genetics Sales Team Post COVID-19 Many clients have asked what we are seeing from other companies with regard to post COVID-19 sales expectations and how they are preparing for whatever is to be the new normal for those teams. The simple answer is that it is far fetched to think that your sales team will be welcomed back to the hospital with open arms anytime in the near future. As of right now, unless you are installing, interfacing, validating or fixing instrumentation related to COVID-19 testing, you’re probably not entering the hospitals as a representative. We have seen that customers are looking at new ways of training their sales team, and phone sales training and video training are going to be very important to the foreseeable future. If we can help you in any way, either by connecting you to the right people that can help you train or by adding a contract phone sales team to your commercial strategy, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at info@cercatalent
Wednesday, 13 May 2020
8 Reasons Leaders in Genomics and Genetics Need Mentors
We just happen to be writing this to you on Top Gun Day. The Navy’s elite pilot training program, officially named the “Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor” program, or SFTI (pronounced ‘siff-tee’), is not an actual school, but rather a graduate level, practical application course loaded with classroom and real-world training and tactics development. It was called Top Gun long before the movie came out in 1986, yet today, you’ll have to give your instructor or squadron mate a “fiver” if you ever refer to it as such. During their 12 weeks at TOPGUN, pilots learn to “think outside the 9 dots”, operate on the edge of the envelope, “fly below the deck”, or to be a real Maverick, using alternative fighter maneuverability and countermeasure tactics, time management and preparation. It is the ultimate dojo. It was the first Center of Excellence before the term even existed. Above all else, its graduates learn how to take what they have mastered there and share i
Saturday, 9 May 2020
Five Ways To Attract A+ Talent to Your Team
No need to panic; we all have had to fine tune this process, and have even stunk at it in the past. How can we make sure we learn the lessons and begin attracting, recruiting and retaining those A+ Players? 1. Define what an A-B-C player looks like within your organization and communicate throughout the ENTIRE organization. State what having the right players on your team means to the success of your organization, and what the wrong players mean to your detriment. Think in terms of $$$ and overall morale. Make it a part of your dialogue, both internally and externally. It must become a part of your culture, who you are and march your vision. Determine who is responsible for the process. How it will be implemented and communicated throughout the ENTIRE organization. Also, develop a training protocol for success. Define expected outcomes, and make sure they match your mission. Discuss expectations with everyone on the team and what attributes or skills are critical to measur
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